Biomass energy: One of the keys to a sustainable future
The planet currently faces some of its greatest environmental challenges – climate change!!!
There are questions around how best to reduce carbon emissions and create sustainable energy sources dominating the global conversation.
One potential answer lies in biomass energy.
In this article, we will make a case for why it should be encourged as an alternative source of energy in our aims to achieve sustainability.
- What is biomass energy
- Biomass energy sources
- Benefits of using biomass energy
- Current applications around the world
- Demerits of using biomass energy
- The future of biomass energy
- Conclusion
What is biomass energy
Biomass energy is the generation of electricity and heat from renewable sources that are periodically replenished. Examples of these sources are organic matter, such as plant-based material, trees, and agricultural by-products.
Biomass can be used to produce huge amounts of electricity and heat. These can all be done while ensuring that only very few greenhouse gas (GHG) are emitted when compared to burning fossil fuels.
Biomass energy is the generation of electricity and heat from renewable sources that are periodically replenished
Burning biomass may still emit certain levels of GHG. However, these emissions can be significantly lower if the right methods and technology are utilised during the formation process.
Biomass energy sources
Biomass energy sources are renewable and sustainable resources that can be obtained from organic matter. These organic materials can be from various sources, for example agricultural waste and even sewage sludge.
These energy sources have been adopted for centuries. This has enabled the creation of heat, power automobiles, and electricity generation in the past. Nonetheless, modern technology has enhanced the efficiency of biomass energy sources over the years.
Advances in engineering and optimisation have enabled the production of larger volumes of energy with greater efficiency than ever before.
Modern technology has enhanced the efficiency of biomass energy sources over the years
Biomass energy holds great potential for reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. This has undoubtedly created a much-needed sustainable and renewable source of power.
Benefits of using biomass energy
Biomass energy is a great option to replace the use of fossil fuels which are quickly depleting. Through its combustion, biomass has the capacity to produce relatively lower emissions levels of CO2 and other pollutants especially when compared to fossil fuels.
This form of energy is considered carbon neutral. This is because plants used for biomass absorb CO2 from the atmosphere leading to an overall reduced net amount of CO2 produced.
Biomass energy is a great option to replace the use of fossil fuels which are quickly depleting
In addition, it can be used to produce electricity and heat, biofuels such as biodiesel and biogas.
By using biomass fuel we can reduce our reliance on nonrenewable sources like coal or natural gas.
Current applications around the world
As mentioned previously, biomass energy have been used by people for thousands of years. However, the technology seen greater levels of advancements and become even more commonplace in resent times.
Today, it is being used to heat homes and businesses. It has also been used to generate electricity and power vehicles due to its constantly renewing supplies.
In the United States alone, 5% of all energy production are accounted for by biomass. It is found in the form of wood pellets burned to create heat or converted into liquid biofuel for engines.
China and Sweden are amongst other countries that have made great strides towards transitioning to biomass energy sources.
In the United States alone, 5% of all energy production are accounted for by biomass
Despite higher comparitative cost than traditional sources, biomass energy has proven to be an impacting source of renewable energy globally.
Demerits of using biomass energy
Although it has many advantages, using biomass energy also comes with certain disadvantages. Producing large quantities a fuel source requires significant land use and agricultural resources.
This can often means competing with the food industry for resources. Biomass fuels may produce other types of pollutant emissions that may affect local air quality.
Despite these drawbacks, utilisation of this energy source continues to be explored and practiced throughout the world. This is due to its powerful potential in helping create a more sustainable future.
The future of biomass energy
Biomass energy has the potential to power our future in a sustainably. The most common forms are wood, waste and agricultural by-products.
These are certainly renewable sources of energy that can only leave little or no carbon footprint in most cases. The world is now transitioning away from non-renewable fuel sources. Hence, more people are now once more looking towards biomass energy as an alternative source of power.
Biomass energy has the potential to power our future in a sustainably
Moreover, recent advancements in technology has made it possible to efficiently convert organic material into biofuel and other forms of energy.
Governments and institutions globally are really now investing heavily in this area. They are also investing in research to create a more sustainable biomass industry for the future.
Biomass energy is clearly one of the most important sources of green energy that the world needs. This does enables a transition away from the current fossil fuels.
This form of energy source will allow us to reduce our impacts on the environment and mitigate climate change even more efficiently. It also has a high potential for ensuring that out energy mix are diversified in order to enable us to move towards a greener future.
It also provides us with many benefits including cost savings, less dependence on non-renewable resources as well as improved air quality. There may be some drawbacks associated with it. However, recent technological advances are helping make it much more efficient.
All things considered, its clear that biomass energy continues to hold great promise when it comes to combating global warming.
We should take advantage of all the advancements in this field. We should also focus our efforts on transitioning towards rather than rely solely on fossil fuels.