Superstore data - Feature image

How to build an insightful Power BI dashboard: A guide using superstore dataset

This guide uses a superstore dataset, containing sales records, profits, shipping details, and customer information, to demonstrate how to build a powerful dashboard. By following a structured approach to data loading, transformation, and visualisation, you can generate meaningful insights that drive informed decision-making. If you’re new to Power BI, check out this article covering the…

Retail Insights-Feature Image

How to analyse and unlock retail insights from a superstore data using Python

Introduction The vast amounts of retail data that accumulate from day-to-day transactions can provide valuable insights into product performance, customer segmentation, and market trends. In this project, we will carry out a detailed analysis of a retail dataset, exploring various aspects such as sales trends, geographical performance, and customer segmentation using RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary)…