Superstore data - Feature image

How to build an insightful Power BI dashboard: A guide using superstore dataset

This guide uses a superstore dataset, containing sales records, profits, shipping details, and customer information, to demonstrate how to build a powerful dashboard. By following a structured approach to data loading, transformation, and visualisation, you can generate meaningful insights that drive informed decision-making. If you’re new to Power BI, check out this article covering the…


Data visualisation using Power BI: Key takeaways

Introduction Insights can be communicated through written reports, visualisation reports, or dashboards. Visualisations are key in data analysis, and it’s common to see the terms “reports” and “dashboards” used interchangeably, even though they serve different purposes. Reports vs. Dashboards Reports provide detailed, static data, often with a focus on historical or specific information. They are…


How to prepare data for Power BI dashboard using Excel dataset: A beginner’s guide

Introduction Creating effective Power BI dashboards starts with properly prepared data. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to preparing data for visualisation in Power BI, using a sample Excel dataset. By following these instructions, beginners can transform raw data into meaningful insights that are ready for analysis and presentation. Please check out the lessons below…